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Principal's Message

     Ms. Erin Simpson

Welcome to Grizzly Academy!  Wadsworth City Schools Grizzly Academy serves students within our district who need an alternate setting that is better matched to their academic, social, and emotional development needs than can be provided in the traditional school setting. The program now serves students in grade K - 5.  Students will be provided instruction that meets their academic needs while also ensuring that they are making progress toward grade level standards.  Grizzly Academy will also focus on the development of prosocial skills, regulation, and resiliency with counseling support woven into the structure of the day.  Within the GA we will have small, multi-age classrooms of 8-12 students which will be co-taught by a general education teacher and intervention specialist.  A behavior technician aide will also be in each classroom.  The program will be staffed with a full time school counselor, a full time behavior specialist and a principal.  Students attending GA may or may not have special accommodations or receive special education services.  With reduced transitions and districations, a structured and routine learning environment, and a leveled behavior system for each student, students will have the optimum opportunity to learn and grow at the Grizzly Academy.

Our Grizzly Academy team is committed to ensuring success for all students by working collaboratively with families and all service providers.  It is our ultimate goal that our students develop the coping, regulation, and academic skills necessary to return to the traditional classroom.  

If you have any questions about our program please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with all of our students and staff to make the Grizzly Academy a safe and supportive environment for all students.  At the Grizzly Academy we commit to loving first!

Go Grizzlies!

Ms. Erin Simpson, Principal